Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work

A Season of Blessings

In need of an antidote to the great divisiveness of politics and religion, I've found an inspiring resource from my local library. 

The Dalai Lama and Archbishop Tutu have experienced horrific hardships in their lives and now, as octogenarian, they share with us their disciplines that create the side effect of joy.

Disciplines? That sounds like it might involve work. But any good relationship--parent/child, sibling, romantic partners--needs some type of hard work put in to keep it going.  

I think of John Gottman's Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work. In good marriages, fulfilling marriages, each partner turns toward the other, literally. Whether it's talking to one another or sharing a meal, if we cannot turn to our loved one and make eye contact, how can there be a valued relationship.

8 Pillars of joy

In The Book of Joy, there are 8 pillars of joy: perspective, humility, humor, acceptance, forgiveness, gratitude, compassion, generosity. I am determined that in 2017 I will take turns focusing on each of these key practices. I want to dig deeper. 

Wishing anyone who is reading this a blessed Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, and Boxing Day.